I,m   Ghanashyam
3rd year student @PICT, Pune.
competitive Programmer⚡️, Web🖥 &
MERN stack devloper 👨🏻‍💻

Who am I

3rd year UnderGrad student @PICT, Pune.

I am looking for a position in a organization where I can launch my career and learn new skills, expand my knowledge, contribute my ideas and be mentored towards a successful career.

Ghanashyam Patil

Persuing My engineering degree in Computer Science. Have Good knowledge of Data Structures & Algorithms , Competitive Programming, Web Devlopement & MERN stack


Have a look at some of my projects ...!

Coin info

- It is a online Website wich gives information about the different Cryptocurrency.
- I have used Coin Gecko API to get this information.

Tech Stack : React, JavaScript, API.

Algorithm Visualizer

- Provides Visual representation of various algorithms.
- Implemented algorithms like binary search , bubble sort, merge sort , selection sort , etc.
- Also implemented the visualiztion of n-queen problem.

Tech Stack :React, JavaScript, BOOTSTRAP

Zoo mangement

- It is a Mern Stack Project Providing CRUD Facility.
- It also have auth facility
- Admin can Read,Add,Update,Delete.
- User can Read the available information about the animals.

Tech Stack :React, Express, Node, MongoDB, JavaScript, BOOTSTRAP